Language Course, Culture, Accommodation
“The course gives you the tools to confidently stand in front of a class and teach. The quality of the content, the tutors and the overall experience were of the highest calibre. We recommend this course to anyone with an interest in Teaching Spanish as a foreign language with or without previous experience.”
Get the skills, knowledge and hands-on teaching practice you need to be a successful Spanish language teacher.
Our courses, in Intereuropa School, certificated by Instituto Cervantes, are designed to help you develop effective and principled teaching practice. As well as receiving input from our tutors about key topic areas related to teaching Spanish, you will also have substantial hands-on teaching practice to turn theory into practice.
Who are these courses aimed to?
Existing teachers – if you are already working as a teacher but have not had much formal training, these courses will offer you the opporunity to sharpen your teaching practice and prove your ability.
Potencially teachers – if you are not a teacher but would like to enter the teaching world, these courses will offer you the necessary tools to achieve your goals.
- the principles of effective teaching
- a range of practical skills for teaching Spanish to all age learners
- valuable hands-on teaching experience.
Theoretical lessons + Teaching Practice
You will attend theoretical lessons +watch for a number of hours, working with classes at some levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance at the end of these lessons pratice.
You will also complete four written assignments that focus on:
- analysing and responding to learner needs
- analysing language for teaching purposes
- teaching language skills
- reflecting on classroom teaching.
Our teachers
All teachers working in our school are highly – qualified with a wide experience in Teaching Spanish as a second language.
INTENSIVO 25 clases |
Nivel requerido | B2 | |
Duración | 1 semana | |
Clases por semana | 25 | |
Horario | De lunes a viernes de 9:30 a 14:00 | |
Estructura |
Clases teórico-prácticas de 9.30 a 11.10 Asistencia a clases reales de 11.30 a 13.10 Tutorías de 13.20 a 14.00 Programa de actividades culturales por la tarde |
Precio | Inscripción y material 30€ | 1 semana 310€ |
Fechas 2024 | |||
Julio | 8 | 22 | |
Será posible empezar un curso en cualquier fecha para grupos de 3 profesores |
Talleres para profesores con o sin experiencia
Descripción | Ofrecemos talleres ELE para todos los interesados en la enseñanza del español a alumnos extranjeros con o sin previa experiencia. Son talleres sobre temas específicos que se impartirán de manera dinámica y se resolverá cualquier duda al respecto.
Algunos talleres: -Jugar en clase. Taller de actividades lúdicas en la clase ELE. -Análisis de manuales y producción de materiales -La gramática en la clase ELE. -Expresión escrita: Escritura creativa y cooperativa. -Dinámicas de grupos. -El léxico en la clase de ELE. |
Duración | Los talleres se imparten el último viernes de los meses: enero, febrero, marzo, abril , mayo, junio, octubre y noviembre .
Horario de los talleres: Viernes de 16.00 a 18.00 . PLAZAS LIMITADAS |
Precios | 1 taller – 30 € 3 talleres – 80 € |